Frequently Asked Questions

Why Raman Spectroscopy?

Chemistry is the science of the binding of atoms and how those bonds change with time. Raman spectroscopy allows you to see these bonds in action and is therefore an extremely powerful tool for both teaching and doing chemistry.

Where can I buy the spectrometer?

We do not sell spectrometers nor kits and we have no distributors yet. You will have to purchase all the parts listed in the Bill of Materials and assemble the spectrometer yourself.

Is OpenRAMAN difficult to build?

Absolutely no! The Starter Edition is easy to assemble and only requires basic skills which makes it perfect for students. The Performance Edition requires a bit more skill to build but you can still ask friends or colleagues if you are not comfortable with a soldering iron!

Can I use the spectrometer for commercial applications?

Yes. The OpenRAMAN spectrometer is distributed under a CERN-OHL-W-v2 license that allows you to use it for commercial applications. However, any work derived from the spectrometer or its application shall be placed under the same license and the complete source accessible to the users. The texts and images on this website are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License and you cannot use them for commercial applications.

Can I distribute modified versions of the spectrometer?

Yes. The OpenRAMAN spectrometer is distributed under a CERN-OHL-W-v2 license that allows you to modify the spectrometer. However, when made public, any work derived from the spectrometer or its application shall be placed under the same license and the complete source accessible to the users.

Are OpenRAMAN lasers safe?

During normal operations, both the Starter and Performance Editions should have laser leakage under 1 mW. However, assembly can be dangerous even in the Starter Edition. We strongly recommend that any person in the room should wear laser safety goggles and be informed that a laser is being used. We also strongly recommend that all person using the setup follows a laser safety training. The lasers used in the either the Starter and/or the Performance Editions might be illegal to possess in your country. Always treat lasers as dangerous.

I would like to contribute to OpenRAMAN

We are always keen to receive help! If you would like to start a partnership, please use the contact form. Being a non-profit project, we will also kindly accept donations. Feel free to give what you want, even $1 – we will be grateful!